16 junij, 2009

Malo kemije za boljšo voljo

Če v google brskalniku vtipkaš FORMULO (C2H5OH) ETANOLA (beri: Nektar Dobre Volje) ti pod prvi zadetek vrže vn sledeče:


One of the most important molecules in male life. the other two are H2O and O2. It's a molecular formula of 'good will nectar', more precisely ethanol, or drinking 'censure'.
In other word, solution to all life problems.
c2h5oh is the solution to all life problems. according to Homer Simpson, it's also the cause of all life problems but that is debatable.

Še dodatna dokazila:



PS: Tega si nisem jaz izmislil, je pa sigurno 'zihr' rezultat dela nekega intelektualca ;) Človek se je zagotovo moral pošteno poglobit v kozarec, pregovora "v vinu je resnica" in "kar trezen človek misli, pijan pove", povesta marsikaj.

LP, Gomi

(Vir: T.F.7)

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